There comes a time when every parent entertains the idea of their child receiving an allowance, or pocket money. There is even a game devoted to teaching the concept of allowance: “The Allowance Game” allows players ages five and up to learn about earning money, maintaining responsibilities such as homework, and how to spend money responsibly.
Giving your child an allowance is a topic that appears suddenly in the middle elementary years or when a child’s best friend begins receiving one. By thinking about how you want to handle allowance ahead of time, you will be prepared when the topic comes up. You might even bring up the subject yourself.
To read more find the original article at The Topanga Messenger.
Giving your child an allowance is a topic that appears suddenly in the middle elementary years or when a child’s best friend begins receiving one. By thinking about how you want to handle allowance ahead of time, you will be prepared when the topic comes up. You might even bring up the subject yourself.
To read more find the original article at The Topanga Messenger.